#+TITLE: Crowdfunding Free Software #+AUTHOR: Deb Nicholson & Christopher Allan Webber #+EMAIL: press@mediagoblin.org #+DATE: 2014-10-24 Fri #+OPTIONS: reveal_center:t reveal_progress:t reveal_history:nil reveal_control:t #+OPTIONS: reveal_mathjax:t reveal_rolling_links:t reveal_keyboard:t reveal_overview:t num:nil #+OPTIONS: reveal_width:1200 reveal_height:800 #+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+REVEAL_MARGIN: 0.075 #+REVEAL_MIN_SCALE: 0.5 #+REVEAL_MAX_SCALE: 2.5 #+REVEAL_TRANS: cube #+REVEAL_THEME: night #+REVEAL_HLEVEL: 2 #+REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE: * Introductions :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ../static/CC.BY_JeremySchultz_Gold-dull.jpg :END: ** About Deb # Chris introduces Deb #+REVEAL_HTML: # TODO: Picture of Deb here? # Probably the one from the ada initiative one... # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Long-time political activist! - Free software activist! - MediaGoblin co-founder / community - Now: OIN, OpenHatch, other stuff - Formerly: Ada Initiative, FSF - Co-organizer of MediaGoblin campaign! ** About Chris # Deb introduces Chris #+REVEAL_HTML: # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Lead MediaGoblin developer! - Free software and free culture activist - MediaGoblin co-founder / lead dev - Now: full time MediaGoblin - Formerly: CC, PCF, other things - Liberated Pixel Cup! - MediaGoblin crowdfunding campaign! ** MediaGoblin #+REVEAL_HTML: MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing system anyone can use and run! ** MediaGoblin's campaigns #+REVEAL_HTML: We ran two fundraising campaigns with the FSF! Between the two, over 100k raised *** Campaign page and video Let's see the campaign page: http://mediagoblin.org/pages/campaign.html Going to show the video (clear intro for the project, and useful for later...) * Making your plan :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ../static/CC.BY_JeremySchultz_Gold-dull.jpg :END: ** So you want to run a crowdfunding campaign #+REVEAL_HTML:
** The "crowdfunding phenomena" #+REVEAL_HTML: ** Quick overview: Introducing the timeline Launching a campaign takes about 3 months... - General planning: - What are you doing, why? - Who's your audience? - Where are you running it? - Rewards? - Video (A whole thing in itself) - Planning - Executing - Prepping launch page - Gathering allies / news - Launch - Daily grind: keep it going - Celebrate! *** And then - Producing, shipping rewards - Execution! - Regular updates to backers! ** Will it be ok if you miss your goal? #+REVEAL_HTML: MediaGoblin campaign 1 under MediaGoblin campaign 2 banner *** What if it doesn't go viral a la Diaspora #+REVEAL_HTML: # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Most projects don't! - Use an "all or nothing" model? - Can you really afford it if you don't make it? - Are you going to do it anyway? *** What if it does? (v1) #+REVEAL_HTML:
# #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Yay! Jackpot! - But now the real work starts - Can you handle the overflow? *** What if it does? (v2) #+REVEAL_HTML: *** What if it does? (v3) #+REVEAL_HTML: *** Setting expectations internally, and externally #+REVEAL_HTML: # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in * Identifying your audience :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ../static/CC.BY_JeremySchultz_Gold-dull.jpg :END: ** Where to host it? Use a crowdfunding platform, nonprofit infrastructure, or do it yourself? # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Doing it yourself - Lots of control - But lots of work - Using a hosted, proprietary solution - Convenient - Built in social networking tools - At the whims of said org - Fee going to a corporation - Work with a nonprofit - Use the same fundraising infrastructure the nonprofit does - Fiscal sponsorship: huge! - Tax deductable donations - Fee going to a nonprofit you presumably believe in *** Free software solutions that are available? #+REVEAL_HTML: # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Increasing numbers of these nowadays... - geoteo.org - "bounty hunting" kind of crowdfunding (freedomsponsors, lots of older ones) - Roll your own! - Pitivi did this - Joey Hess did git-annex + ikiwiki + ledger - CiviCRM or other "traditional" fundraising tools - MediaGoblin used the FSF's CiviCRM + our own static site ** What are the major upsides? #+REVEAL_HTML: # #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Fund your project without compromising your mission - Community is not just giving you money, but investing themselves personally - Learn how your project is perceived externally ** Major downsides? #+REVEAL_HTML:
# #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in - Timing, both external and internal - Running a campaign is another job - Fulfilling a campaign may be another job * Running a campaign (or: no such thing as too much planning) :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ../static/CC.BY_JeremySchultz_Gold-dull.jpg :END: ** Plan your video early! [[file:../../mediagoblin/static/censor_scan.png]] Videos take a lot of work, and are one of the strongest sources of impressions of a campaign these days... How much work? Depends on complexity; we followed standard-ish film/animation steps: *** Make script outline file:../static/video_outline.png *** Draft / refine script file:../static/video_script.png *** Make storyboard file:../static/video_storyboard.png *** Do animation tests file:../static/video_animation_test.png *** Do voiceover file:../static/audio_editing.png *** Shoot video file:../static/video_chris_speaking.png *** Animate [[file:../../mediagoblin/static/campaign_scary_internet_blender.png]] *** Video edit / sequencing [[file:../../mediagoblin/static/campaign_seq_edit.png]] ** Planning rewards #+REVEAL_HTML: Plan and price your rewards in advance of offering them - Should be no more than 25% of the reward "cost" - Shipping costs can kick your butt, esp internationally - Authoring times? Printing times? Shipping times? ** Get your allies together #+REVEAL_HTML:
# TODO: Pic of friends Make it easy for people to help you ** Consider "in-kind" help [[file:../static/pycon_gavroche.png]] You're most likely to get help if it works mutually Cookie factory: more likely to give you cookies than money! ** Prep the presses #+REVEAL_HTML: - Try to get press ready for your own launch, eg - Your announcement post (critical!) - Journalism - Allies - Have some of your own news planned ahead of time - Plan some things to announce mid-campaign - Have a list of people to reach out to throughout the campaign ** Campaign launch #+REVEAL_HTML:
- Launch is critical - Limited pre-launch? - Prep as best as you can, but don't let hiccups get you down ** Keeping it going file:../static/mediagoblin_campaign_graph.png ** Common pitfalls file:../static/rewards_estimates.png - Delivering rewards: don't lose your shirt sending shirts - Do or don't quit your day job? ** The end! (??) #+REVEAL_HTML:
Congrats, you made it! (Of course: now you need to ship rewards, and keep your promises!) * Is it worth it? Real financial and time breakdowns :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ../static/CC.BY_JeremySchultz_Gold-dull.jpg :END: ** Finances #+REVEAL_HTML:
We did a complete financial breakdown: http://mediagoblin.org/news/financial-transparency.html ** How much time does it take? - The first campaign took about 2.5 months to launch, ran for 1 - Second campaign took about 4 months to launch, ran for 2 - For me: 10-12 hour days, few weekends - Both have several weeks of work afterwards on rewards fulfillment - So really, about 3.5-7 months on the campaign on each - Remember: this is an unpaid period of work! ** So was it worth it? (post-mortem!) # Do your post-mortem here [[file:../static/ascii_yeowch_gavroche.png]] - It's not "easy money"... expect long periods of stress, weight gain, hair loss - But yes, it was worth it! - 2 person-years of full time development (and more) - We're accomplishing what we set out to do - We're staying true to our goals/values - Donors seem happy ** Credits - "End of the Rainbow" image by KaiScheiber, CC BY-SA 2.0 - Squirrel jackpot image by likeaduck, CC BY-SA 2.0 - Squirrel out in the cold by DawnHuczek, CC BY 2.0 - Pot of gold and a bench by AndyHay, CC BY 2.0 - Pile of gold coins background image, CC BY 2.0 - Pile of cash, Nick Ares, CC BY 2.0 *** Credits (2) - Dude fighting a clock from Metropolis, fair use - Linux Magazine screen grab from http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/MediaGoblin-Saving-the-Internet-Through-Federation - Photo of Deb: Lindsay Metivier Otherwise else, this talk is dual licensed: CC BY-SA 4.0 International || GPLv3 or later ** Thank you! (Questions?) #+REVEAL_HTML:
http://mediagoblin.org/ - *Deb:* deb@eximiousproductions.org - *Chris:* cwebber@dustycloud.org - ~git clone https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/talks.git~