A) Introductions [CHRIS] - About Deb [CHRIS] - About Chris [DEB] - About MediaGoblin [DEB] - MediaGoblin's campaigns [DEB] - The video! [DEB] B) Making your plan [CHRIS] - So you want to run a crowdfunding campaign [CHRIS] - The crowdfunding phenomena [DEB] - Quick overview: introducing the timeline [CHRIS] - What's your motivation? [DEB] - Will it be okay if you miss your goal? [CHRIS] - What if it doesn't go viral a-la Diaspora? [CHRIS] - What if it does? [CHRIS] (A few slides here) - Setting expectaions internally, and externally [DEB, CHRIS] C) Identifying your audience [DEB] - Where to host it? [DEB] - Free software solutions that are available? [CHRIS] - What are the major upsides? [DEB] - Major downsides? [CHRIS] D) Running a campaign (or: no such thing as too much planning) [CHRIS] - Plan your video early! [CHRIS] (... A series of slides here ...) - Planning rewards [CHRIS] - Get your allies together [DEB] - Consider "in-kind" help [DEB] - Prep the presses [DEB] - Campaign launch [CHRIS] - Keeping it going [CHRIS] - Common pitfalls [CHRIS] - The end! (??) [DEB] E) Is it worth it? Real financial and time breakdowns [CHRIS, DEB] - Finances [CHRIS, DEB] - Time breakdowns [CHRIS, DEB] - So, was it worth it? [CHRIS, DEB] F) Thanks! [DEB, CHRIS] - Credits