User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1 From: Christopher Lemmer Webber To: Subject: Propagators and ocaps Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2021 13:34:27 -0500 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain I'm continuing a bit from this conversation: I've mentioned that I've been making progress with Propagators on top of Spritely Goblins. I haven't published it yet, but I am thinking of naming this implementation "Spritely Brainy", so that finally we can know we have a brain in a vat. (Whether the brain itself knows is another question.) If you are interested in propagators, here are three good resources: - This talk by Gerald Sussman: "We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" It's about several things, but especially propagators: - The most current iteration of propagator design comes from Alexey Radul's dissertation, which makes the advancement in having propagators not only supporting complete values, but accruing *partial* non-contradictory information about a value: - To really see what you can do with this, Leilani Gilpin's dissertation "Anomaly Detection Through Explanations" seems a really interesting resource (which I have only skimmed so far, but plan to read fully): So, why should we care about propagators?: - Alexey demonstrates how propagators are the generalization of several kinds of programming systems in his dissertation: logic programming, functional reactive programming, constraint solvers including type inference, rule-based systems, and even probabalistic programming can all be nicely implemented on top. (Except that propagators sometimes even seem to do better than the present approaches: for instance, in FRP-on-propagators as Alexey describes it, cycles in the graph are no problem!) - Propagators and the cells they talk to can be both easily modeled on top of "classic actors", making them a good fit for current ocap systems. (Here's one example: deliver your witness testimony to the capability that writes to this cell and then the propagtor-detective will account for it!) - The mechanism that Alexey describes in his dissertation for propagation can be easily modeled on top of a "vat churn", which both Agoric and Spritely Goblins have tooling for (ie, run local message sending in the network until quiescence) - Partial information is considered still useful. If we can narrow a range of possibilities, that might be useful to know and query... it might give us clues about which areas we should do more searching and what we shouldn't bother with. - It's possible to see *where* in a propagator network recursion might occur, and even limit the amount of search space easily, helping mitigate some of the "uncanny valley" aspects of logic programming that MarkM has mentioned (I think) - Alexey's version of propagators allow for propagation of the *sources* of where corroborating information comes in, along with with truth maintenance systems which allowing exploring different worldviews. This can be done manually by the programmer. - But it can also be done automatically! Set up an "ambiguity operator" propagator which auto-explores the consequences of different worldviews, and can even make note of which combinations are contradictory so it doesn't re-explore those accidentally. - I believe the space of exploring explainable AI is worthwhile, *even if not possible to be perfect*, for the same reasons that it is worthwhile for humans to do their best to explain themselves, even if they are not perfect. Since these compose well with present exploration of ocap systems, and propagators are fairly easy to build once the core ideas are known, it seems worthwhile for us to add them. There is more to say. But perhaps I should get my implementation of Brainy out there so I can say it better. - Chris