| Command/OCap | Descriptive/ID/Judgement | Hybrid | |---------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------| | (Language/OS) OCaps | ACLs | Certificate OCaps | | Do this thing. | Here's what happened! | Fact checking both ends of the story | | CapTP | Verifiable Creds | zcap-ld | | Read + Eval | Print | Replay command history | | Possession | Identity | Proof of possession (?) | | Car key | E-car fingprint scan | Car key sign-out sheet | | Don't separate Desig+Auth | Separate resources, users | Invoking cert caps vs reading them | | MUD/IF input prompt | MUD / IF event descriptions | | | AP C2S (mostly) | AP S2S (mostly) | AP + cert chains? | | Authorization | Authentication | Horton | | Program flow | Authoring program | ? | | Source code | Database | ? |