** TODO Define interaction syntax and naming stuff *** Text syntax ;; client actions .look @table look @table look ?table look ?table+1 look ?book :on ?table look ?book ?table put ?book :on ?table put ?book :in ?chest look ?chest look :in ?chest wearhat @admin wearhat #f go 'north ;; Quoted phrases can be just talking...? "Hello" ;; maybe a shortcut? "Hello ;; specific object actions ?puppy.pet *** What about naming scope? Here are things I'm thinking about: - The "global petnames" of @names - Self-proclaimed and intro names? - Names to things which stick around vs names to things that are only available within a local context - Where we might see "local context" names - Descriptions based on looking at a room, etc - really any room-local interactions - What happens to the names when we "leave a room"? - It would be good to stop "accruing context". When you switch rooms, the name context "resets". - An exception: when switching rooms, if any entities are here that were previously in the last room, they stick around... so ?frog+2 is still here even though ?frog+1 and ?frog+3 didn't come over. However all ?frog(+N) names stick around for this next context just in case? Hm, maybe this is worse... if ?frog suddenly comes in behind us and is actually ?frog+2 that could be confusing - This would mean that there has to be something eq-related that binds the room-provided-caretaker for ?frog+2 in the first room to that in the second room - Maybe that's not worth it *** What is the "physics" of a world? What (do we believe) happens? - any object in the world can make anything "happen". (similarly, "anyone can say anything about anything"... lambdamoo) - the world can make anything "happen" inside it, and mediates actions (Castle Skotos' consent) - things can only happen via shared interaction rules with sign-off of relevant parties (chess) - Anyone can make a claim, but we know who's making a claim at a particular moment (verifiable credentials) Carol says, "I had a rough commute to work today!" Carol says, "Mallet is a jerk!" Bob pulls Lever. Lever opens the Bridge. Alice mocks the Article.