\documentclass[margin,line]{res} \usepackage{hyperref} \oddsidemargin -.5in \evensidemargin -.5in \textwidth=6.0in \itemsep=0in \parsep=0in \newenvironment{list1}{ \begin{list}{\ding{113}}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0in} \setlength{\parsep}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{0in} \setlength{\topsep}{0in} \setlength{\partopsep}{0in} \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.17in}}}{\end{list}} \newenvironment{list2}{ \begin{list}{$\bullet$}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0in} \setlength{\parsep}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{0in} \setlength{\topsep}{0in} \setlength{\partopsep}{0in} \setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2in}}}{\end{list}} \begin{document} \name{Christopher Allan Webber \vspace*{.1in}} \begin{resume} \section{\sc Contact Information} \vspace{.05in} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{2in}p{4in}} 514 Isle Royal Dr & {Phone:} (773) 614-2279 \\ Madison, WI 53705 & {E-mail:} \verb|cwebber@dustycloud.org| \end{tabular} \section{\sc Summary} Software developer specializing in web development with strong ties to the free and open source software communities. Strong track record of leadership and community organization. \section{\sc General Skills} Strong experience with: \begin{list2} \item The architecture and development of applications from the ground up \item Maintaining and re-architecting existing applications \item Public speaking \item Leading major Free and Open Source projects (see MediaGoblin section) \item Experience working with open standards organizations \end{list2} \section{\sc Computer Skills} \begin{list2} \item Programming/Markup Languages: Python, Common Lisp, Bash, (X)HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript/EcmaScript, C++, Java, \LaTeX, Emacs Lisp, SQL, RDF, RDFa, Scheme, PHP \item Web Frameworks: Django, Pylons, Zope, Paste, Python WSGI ``unframeworks'' \item Applications: Emacs, GNOME desktop suite, GNU Core Utilities, Postgres, MySQL, sqlite, MongoDB \item Testing: pytest, Nose, Jenkins administration \item Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, Solaris, Windows \item Revision Control Systems: Subversion, Git, CVS \item Leading programming teams \item \href{http://dustycloud.org/blog/oreilly-award/}{Recipient of the 2015 O'Reilly Open Source Award} for software and network freedom activism \end{list2} \section{\sc Experience} {\bf W3C Social Working Group} \hfill {\bf Remote} \\ {Invited Expert} \hfill {2014 - present}\\ Working as an invited expert to the W3C Social Working group on standards for federation and social APIs. Brought in for (and representing) experience with MediaGoblin (along with fellow MediaGoblin developer Jessica Tallon). {\bf Open Tech Strategies} \hfill {\bf Remote} \\ {Contractor} \hfill {2014 - present}\\ Contractor on various PHP, Python, and Javascript projects for Open Tech Strategies, a company specializing in free and open source software technology and strategy. %% Add contracting stuff here, including OTS {\bf MediaGoblin} \hfill {\bf Remote} \\ {Lead developer} \hfill {2011 - present}\\ {Stripe Open Source Retreat} \hfill {January 2016 - April 2016}\\ \vspace{-.3cm} %% This indentation is messed up {Working fulltime} \hfill {September 2012 - November 2014}\\ \vspace*{-.0in} Free software media publishing framework aiming for decentralization, extensibility, and building the commons. Written in python and uses forward-facing HTML5 technologies. Crowdfunded in campaign run in conjunction with Free Software Foundation which paid for my full time work in 2013. Ran a second campaign raising enough to hire another employee full time. \begin{list2} \item Managed growth of project from humble local outline on my machine to more than 75 contributors (not including translators), averaging 5-10 active contributors at any time \item Primary contributor, run regular meetings, set general direction for project \item Project reviewed in multiple tech journals, have spoken at (and invited to speak at) conferences on the subject, interviewed in podcasts \item Responsible for project's fundamental design and codebase \item Running and managing successful crowdfunding campaign in conjunction with Free Software Foundation \item Administrator for Summer of Code and Outreach Program for Women 2013, 2014, and 2015 participation \item Personally selected to represent MediaGoblin, participating in Stripe Open Source Retreat, running in January-April 2016 \end{list2} {\bf Creative Commons} \hfill {\bf Chicago, Illinois (remote)} \\ \vspace{-.3cm} {Senior software engineer} \hfill {August 2009 - September 2013}\\ \vspace*{-.0in} \begin{list2} \item Re-architected CC's core website properties. Transitioned and rewrote codebase from legacy Zope3 codebase to modern WSGI-centric application with WebOb, Routes, etc. \item Coordinated with CTO to transition license engine over from multi-format system to entirely RDF driven engine \item Since the departure of CTO, managed most tech team leadership duties \item Maintained CC's metadata infrastructure (RDF, API, etc) \item Trained new engineer \item Actively involved in licensing discussions and activities; worked with Free Software Foundation to confirm acceptability of CC0 as software license and compatibility of CC0 with the GPL. Actively involved in Creative Commons 4.0 licensing discussion. \item Google Summer of Code mentorship in 2010 (Creative Commons OpenOffice extension) \item ``FOSS Ambassador'' duties; maintaining Creative Commons link to the free and open source software world (maintaining communication channels with Free Software Foundation, Open Source Initiative, speaking at relevant conferences) \item Management of translation and internationalization tooling \item Architecting code for new legal tool (Public Domain Mark) \end{list2} {\bf Participatory Culture Foundation} \hfill {\bf Chicago, Illinois (remote)}\\ \vspace{-.3cm} {Software developer} \hfill {September, 2008 - July, 2009}\\ \vspace*{-.0in} %% I was hired on to the Participatory Culture Foundation as a fulltime %% python programmer after several months of sending voluntary %% contributions to Miro's codebase. %% I have worked on several free software projects while working at the %% PCF: \begin{list2} \item Hired on fulltime after three months of voluntary contribution to Miro's codebase. \item Worked on various contributions to Miro, the free Internet television player. Significant contributions to the massive structural overhaul involved in the 2.0 release. Assisted in the conversion from an HTML-based user interface to using native desktop widgets. \item Contributed to the frontend overhaul of the 3.0 release of Miro Guide, a freely licensed video channel directory service. \item Primary developer on Miro Community, a freely licensed video metachannel aggregator. Responsible for technical planning and design of the project's backend and frontend from concept specifications. \item Created VidScraper, an extensible python library for gathering contextual data about videos hosted at various locations on the web, including location data for flash-embedded videos. Also included a video metasearch service. Used extensively in Miro Local/Community TV. \item Regularly coordinated with graphic designer to develop aesthetically pleasing frontends for aforementioned web applications. \end{list2} {\bf Imaginary Landscape} \hfill {\bf Chicago, Illinois}\\ \vspace{-.3cm} {Software developer} \hfill {June, 2007 - September, 2008}\\ \vspace*{-.0in} %% Imaginary Landscape is a medium sized web development company in %% Chicago which both develops the software for as well as hosts over one %% hundred and fifty websites ranging from small businesses to national %% healthcare syndicates. %% Significant projects and duties at Imaginary Landscape included: %% Medium sized web development company in Chicago which both develops %% the software for as well as hosts over one hundred and fifty websites %% ranging from small businesses to national healthcare syndicates. \begin{list2} \item Maintained a decade's worth of existing Python code and developed new code, including many common small applications, a custom content management system (named Landscaper), and various client-specific custom applications. \item Led the transition of the internal codebase from a custom Python Paste based framework to Django. \item Introduced several new practices to the company, including code reviews, unit tests, code style guides, and improved internal documentation. %% I helped bring in new technologies such as Review Board and Trac %% to assist in these new practices. \item Developed initial HTML, CSS and JavaScript templates for our applications which would be later stylized and modified by the user interface team members. \item Maintained several company servers and websites. Tasks included repairs, preventative maintenance, and updating Apache configurations. While transitioning between system administrators, I also updated DNS records and performed many other sysadmin duties. \end{list2} {\bf Google, Inc.} \hfill {\bf Chicago, Illinois}\\ \vspace{-.3cm} {Datacenter technician} \hfill {August, 2005 - June, 2007}\\ \vspace*{-.0in} %% A large portion of my early technical experience had come from %% working with Google, where I learned much about networking, greatly %% expanded far my knowledge of GNU/Linux based systems, server %% diagnosis and repair, handling large scale upgrades, and developed %% my skills significantly in the realm of python and bash scripting. %% My role at the company originally encompassed server repairs, but %% over time as I proved my programming abilities, programming in %% python on various projects became a regular part of my job. \begin{list2} \item Wrote the command line frontend for server install/reinstall system and compiled the accompanying user-facing documentation. \item Starting in 2006, served as the team lead of the repairs team, managing a team of more then 10 people on the day-to-day repair operations. \item Wrote several scripts to help us diagnose machines, most significantly one which aided in identifying bad RAM. This script was widely used, and at one time, one of our key tools in repairs. \item Created a standard GNU/Linux image that was deployed to all repair team laptops in the Chicago region. \item Selected to be on a special team to administer one of Google's most valuable and protected machines. \item Presented local ``tech talks'' to our team, with subjects ranging from the basics of Python programming to the paradigms of Free and Open Source Software. %% \begin{itemize} %% \item Introduction to the paradigms of Free and Open Source Software %% \item Introduction to 3d modeling and animation with Blender %% \item Intro to python programming I: basics %% \item Intro to python programming II: object oriented programming %% \end{itemize} \end{list2} %% {\bf Barat College Library, DePaul University} \hfill {\bf Chicago, Illinois}\\ %% \vspace{-.3cm} %% {Job Title} \hfill {Fall, 2003 - Spring, 2005}\\ %% \vspace*{-.0in} %% \begin{list2} %% \item Checked books and assisted library patrons. %% \item You can remove this employment detail section if you want?. %% \end{list2} \vspace*{.05in} \section{\sc Miscelaneous free software contributions} Have done plenty of small contributions to various projects. Some minor highlights: \begin{list2} \item Added AM/PM support to Emacs OrgMode \item Contributed ``\{\% elif \%\}'' template tag to Django; merged in 1.4 release \item Contributions to Hy (lisp for python), including writing the majority of the tutorial, adding new language features such as keyword passing syntax \item Contributed python tooling and coding advice to the Blender open movie ``Tube'', including an asset management system called ``reference desk'', a tool to quickly render multi-scene sequence films in OpenGL called Ogler \item First patch of mine ever merged into a free software project was a fix for a bug in the GNU Emacs tetris implementation where you could pause the program and still move the pieces around (Quote from RMS: ``If you cheat at solitaire, who are you cheating? Anyway, thanks for fixing it.'' [Feb 28, 2007]) \end{list2} \section{\sc Education} \vspace*{.05in} {\bf DePaul University}, Chicago, Illinois \\ \vspace{-.3cm} \begin{list1} \item[] Bachelor of the Arts, 2007 \item[] Major: Interdisciplinary Humanities \end{list1} \section{\sc Public Speaking} I regularly give talks at usergroups and conferences; not all talks are listed here, but here are some highlights. \begin{list2} \item 2014, LibrePlanet, \emph{State of the Goblin} \item 2014, FOSDEM \& Flourish, \emph{The Road Ahead for Network Freedom} \item 2013, LibrePlanet, \emph{Federated Free Software Features (on panel with Evan Prodromou)} \item 2013, FOSDEM, \emph{GNU Affero General Public License, version 3} \item 2012, Flourish, \emph{GNU MediaGoblin and a decentralized media future} \item 2012, LibrePlanet, \emph{Creative Commons and the free software community} \item 2012, PyCon, \emph{MediaGoblin (poster session and lightning talk)} \item 2011, PyCon, \emph{Using Blender's new BPY Python API} % \item 2011, ChiPy, \emph{GNU MediaGoblin} \item 2011, Libre Graphics Meeting, \emph{Blender's Python API} \item 2011, Libre Graphics Meeting, \emph{Autonomo.us Free Network Services and Global Conflicts} \item 2010, ChiPy, \emph{GitPython and Git Internals} % \item 2009, ChiPy, \emph{VidScraper} \item 2008, ChiPy, \emph{Miro, a free, open source internet tv \& video player} % \item 2008, ChiPy, \emph{PyStage (or, how I proposed to my spouse using an % animation framework I wrote myself)} \end{list2} \section{\sc Activities and Honors} \begin{list2} %% \item Spoke at Libre Planet in 2012 on Creative Commons and the free %% software community %% \item Spoke at Flourish in 2012 on ``GNU MediaGoblin and a %% decentralized media future'' %% \item Spoke at PyCon in 2011 on Blender's Python API %% \item Spoke at Libre Graphics Meeting in 2011 on Blender's Python %% API and MediaGoblin \item Collaborated with Free Software Foundation on the film Patent Absurdity (made animations that accompanied the film) \item Active member of various local usergroups, including the Chicago Python usergroup (ChiPy) and the Chicago GNU/Linux User Group (ChiGlug). Occasionally give talks on various subjects. \item Enjoy making visual artwork on pencil and paper, using the GIMP and a wacom tablet. Fairly talented in Blender and Inkscape as well. \item Volunteered in the recording and editing of PyCon 2009-2012's video footage. \item Taught class on the GIMP to high school students at Casa Aztlan, a local community center in Chicago. \item Received the \emph{Spirit of Barat Award} for activism and website authorship and maintenance for the Keep Barat campaign, which aimed to keep the Barat campus of DePaul University open. \end{list2} \vspace*{-.3cm} \centering{References available upon request.} \end{resume} \end{document}