Spritely foundational whitepapers go here. Maybe other stuff eventually too. * Foundational whitepapers - [[file:spritely-framing.org][Spritely: New Foundations for Networked Communities]] - [[file:spritely-core.org][The Heart of Spritely: Distributed Objects and Capability Security]] - [[file:spritely-for-users.org][Spritely for Secure Applications and Communities]] * Building (and testing!) the papers, extracting source code Here's how to get going fast if you already have [[https://guix.gnu.org/][Guix]] installed: #+BEGIN_SRC sh guix shell # setup dev environment make # build the papers make check # run unit tests #+END_SRC Or even easier, all in one command: #+BEGIN_SRC sh guix shell -- make check #+END_SRC You'll see an emacs window pop up during the =make= step and then close while things are building. Sorry, just let it happen. Syntax highlighting doesn't work otherwise else (would require some hacky workarounds). This will also spit out some =.w= files for wisp code and =.scm= files for scheme code in the current directory.