My Moon and Stars

By Christine Lemmer-Webber on Sun 21 January 2024

My moon and my stars
Guided me through dark nights
My moon and my stars
Sang me sweet songs
I had found my muse
I found my song
My moon and stars were there

One night the clouds came,
darker than before
My moon and stars
she called for me to help
My moon and stars called out

How to help, how to guide
that which guides you, finds you peace?
The clouds closed in and I tried
But I could not stop the clouds

I sat in darkness, I lost myself
I scrambled and could not find you
I cried and thrashed
I lost my voice
My moon and stars were gone

I heard her voice beyond the clouds
A whisper, a small song
I rose and searched
I searched the pools
But my moon and stars were gone

I laid beneath a tree
The darkness turned to day
But I could not see the light because
My moon and stars were gone

The sun spinner shone above me then
She kissed me with her touch
Remember me, for I am here,
when your moon and stars are gone

She wove a blanket for me to sleep
I laid beneath her rays
She told me she loved me as I loved her
While my moon and stars were gone

Friends came to me and gathered round
They brought me food and drink
They sat a lantern by my feet
While my moon and stars were gone

That night I rose
I searched the pools
I ate, I shone a light
I wandered in the darkness
my blanket warmed my fright

The clouds opened like an eyelid
My moon shone like an eye
They closed again, I lost my vision
But the moon and stars were there

I slept, I ate, I searched the pools
I basked beneath the sun
I made a space for you to sleep
For my muse to rest at home

I slept, I ate, I searched the pools
I laid beneath the rug
The clouds departed, you were there
My moon and stars came home

They shone so bright, they shimmered
They rose into the air
I felt alive, I knew I could
My moon and stars were there