On this page:
1.1 What works so far?
1.2 What’s on its way?

1 What is Goblins?

Goblins is a quasi-functional distributed object system, mostly following the actor model. Its design allows for object-capability security, allowing for safe distributed programming environments.1By now you may have noticed that we’ve used the term "object" twice... we may not be meaning the term the way you think! In the early to mid 2000s, "object oriented programming" was all the rage such that being reprimanded by an OOP zealots for not fitting into their worldviews was common. These days the pendelum has swung in the opposite direction such that one is more likely to be reprimanded by anti-object-oriented zealots. In fact, "Object Oriented" has many different meanings. If you have PTSD from complex Java or C++ class structures, please read on... our use of the term doesn’t involve any fundamental form of "classes" or "inheritance". Furthermore, "object" in "object capability security" refers to security based on holding onto references to an external entity. What you hold onto is what you can do. Even most purely functional languages can fit into that definition, and so too can most functional languages follow object capability security. Its design is inspired by the E programming language and by the observation that lambda is already the ultimate security mechanism (ie, normal argument-passing in programs, if taken seriously/purely, is already all the security system we need).

1.1 What works so far?

1.2 What’s on its way?

1By now you may have noticed that we’ve used the term "object" twice... we may not be meaning the term the way you think! In the early to mid 2000s, "object oriented programming" was all the rage such that being reprimanded by an OOP zealots for not fitting into their worldviews was common. These days the pendelum has swung in the opposite direction such that one is more likely to be reprimanded by anti-object-oriented zealots. In fact, "Object Oriented" has many different meanings. If you have PTSD from complex Java or C++ class structures, please read on... our use of the term doesn’t involve any fundamental form of "classes" or "inheritance". Furthermore, "object" in "object capability security" refers to security based on holding onto references to an external entity. What you hold onto is what you can do. Even most purely functional languages can fit into that definition, and so too can most functional languages follow object capability security.